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Things that annoy you about the opposite sex

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Post #119908 - Reply to (#119554) by ahoaho
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3:07 am, Feb 6 2008
Posts: 1364

Quote from ahoaho
Quote from Layhe
Oh, I know. Male pride annoys the heck out of me sometimes.

*SHOCK* That hurts my pride. eek

As long as you don't force it on me, I admire your pride laugh

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Post #289237

2:40 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 522

Girls talk a lot of nonsense and they are too sensitive.

Post #289248
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3:02 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 838

Take a LONG time to be ready.
Take a LONG time in the bathroom.
They think we think alike.
They WANT us to think alike bigrazz.

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3:08 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 7787

I don't really think there's any specific
characteristics for any gender, but I don't
like it when women make me do something
just because I am a man. Also, not sure if it applies
to women in general, but I hate it when they nag.
The nagging makes me insane. If there's a hole in
the ceiling, then FFS come and help me fix it instead
of standing there and nagging why I didn't check it last year.
Gets shit done!

PS. I've never heard of this man's pride.

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Lord of nonsense

3:10 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1310


This thread can indeed turn out to be vicious...

I dislike when girls try to manipulate me instead of just asking for something, yeah If you manipulate me the chances of me saying no are almost non existent, but if you just tell me about something, IF i say no is because I have a good reason -_-

I also dislike girls that believe they can be critics of life and other girls, I don't care how big of a bitch that other girl is, other wise I would be looking at her -_-

I also dislike the "we are just friends", really almost all the guys that pick a talk with a random girl are looking for more than friends, yet somehow some girls still don't get it... if you don't want the guy to be more than a friend, just tell him to BUZZ OFF, in the end you may hurt his ego, but is worse to make him waste his time.

I also dislike how easily they are influenced by others, just because other girls/people think you are gaining weight doesn't mean you should do the STARVE TO DEAD diet, if you feel alright with it, then there is nothing wrong with that, and if you don't feel alright, there are better ways than to starve >_>

In short I dislike when a girl says she can't eat something, I mean are you allergic to it? don't just say you are on a diet, because eating ice cream ONCE is not going to make much of difference.

I dislike a lot of things about guys too bigrazz

But this thread is not about that

Maybe someone should make a thread about: What you dislike of your own gender ^_^

Quote from aagcnet
Take a LONG time to be ready.
Take a LONG time in the bathroom.
They think we think alike.
They WANT us to think alike bigrazz .

1- Patience is a virtue smile and the eyes receive rewards ^-^
2- Is awesome if you go in with her ^_^
3- Can indeed be annoying.
4- Is OK, to some point, but I ain't turning into a girl just to know you would LOVE that set of a purse, highhills and necklace instead of just one of them -_-

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Post #289254
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3:13 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1975

what im gonna say isnt for all the guys out there...
but their high self esteem gets on my nerves, and the way they show off too.
*but i'm sure there are many great guys out there, who arent such douchebags..

Post #289256

3:19 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1762

I can't stand it when guys assume that I can't do anything because I'm female. I can work on cars, fix things around the house and squish bugs just like any guy can. mad I can do just about anything I put my mind to, no matter what.

btw, this thread is making me feel pretty good about myself. I don't seem to have the same tendencies as most of the females you people have come in contact with. biggrin

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Lord of nonsense

3:23 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1310

Have you ever meet a guy with the motto:

The best way to show of, is to not do it yourself and turn admiration into jokes bigrazz

My responses to:

Wow you are smart!!
Me: nah, I think i am just a crazy mofo (I do think like that)

Do you go to the gym? you seem fit
Nah, I just try to move around as much as possible and my old car used to break down pretty often.

You look strong
Nah, That guy over there would kick my ass, that is why I fight dirty bigrazz

I give girls a shock, because initially I always seem like a dark and quiet guy, but I turn out to be very different when they know me smile

Is just that I won't talk to you unless I have something to talk about

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Post #289262
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3:24 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 347

what annoys me is
1. the lets be friends even thou we just broke up, whats up with that? they require your attention all the time and if you go like 1 week without contacting them they go cheat on you and make it seem like your fault when you find out.
i mean like sometimes you need your space. or maybe thats just me but anyway if they need to talk that badly why not just call or something? dead
(ok so maybe that only happens to me but anyway) they are all like "no that looks great on you" when a guy would say the truth and would spare you your dignity rather than your feelings

"Sanity is for the weak"
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3:30 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 135

What really annoys me about the opposite sex is that they cant feed them self. So i have 3 brothers and I'M the person who set dinner right after school. Then when they make a mess, guess who has to clean it >_<

Also i hate when men wear STRONG cologne, it really suffocates the right next you. Also men who does pervert things like touching your a$$ and walks away like its nothing. ><

Post #289265 - Reply to (#289264) by hiroki_sama
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3:32 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 347

edit: just deleting some cringe 🙂

Last edited by Akillaz at 6:35 pm, Jun 21 2024

"Sanity is for the weak"
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3:34 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 452

girls tend to talk about emotional crap too much and they dont talk about intelligent subjects enough

other than that (what they talk about) i see females as equals, they can do everything a male can... if you think females are weak repulsive: yes, weak: stronger than you

Post #289271 - Reply to (#289265) by Akillaz
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3:39 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 135

Quote from Akillaz
Quote from Browine
Also men who does pervert things like touching your a$$ and walks away like its nothing. ><

would you rather i stay and finish it next time? wink

Haa Haa
I rather you DONT even start the next time or
I rather you don't even think about it wink

Post #289277 - Reply to (#289264) by hiroki_sama
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Lord of nonsense

3:51 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 1310

Quote from Browine
What really annoys me about the opposite sex is that they cant feed them self. So i have 3 brothers and I'M the person who set dinner right after school. Then when they make a mess, guess who has to clean it >_<

Also i hate when men wear STRONG cologne, it really suffocates the right next you. Also men who does pervert things like touching your a$$ and walks away like its nothing. ><

Haha in my gang there is a motto, all man have to know how to take care of themselves or they are not men.

So yeah, most of us can cook (even if the menu is not wide), and most of us can keep our rooms clean (or clean enough to not get sick just by being in there)

Men are not zealots of cleanest (most no) so if we don't feel/see/smell something is dirty, then is fine.

Strong cologne? I am guilty of doing that... but shows that I am nervous

Touching your ass just means that they find you attractive... even though there is a place for everything and doing it in certain places is not right

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3:56 pm, May 18 2009
Posts: 909

when guys think that just cause im a girl, i cant do anything.
eg i got told off for lifting a 25kg bag of potatoes and got told to get a guy to carry it for me!! christ! thats only 55lbs...not even half the weight of a person!!

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