This is basically a Wuxia variant of the .hack/ franchise crammed together with the Groundhog Day movie. The Player Characters are stuck in a vicious cycle of reliving the same story over & over while forcing changes to get a different outcome. Fei Xing recalls so much of hid past life thag he may be a player character as well. At first it seems they are in an MMO or a single player RPG, but it's eventually revealed to be one of those multiple choice interactive visual novels.
The humor is a bit like the Gintama anime, wherein the humor of the first season falls flat, but gets progressively funnier if you can hold out. The humor in the first few chapters seems to depend on chinese wordplay & chinese pop culture references that just don't translate well.
I like how you have to wait till chapter 81 to find out if the Deputy Master is 3ed Sister's father, big brother, or uncle, since he makes her address him as all three.It's also funny when certain female characters are referred to as "father" & "grandma maiden master."
A little nitpick on the translations that I can't fault the comic for... I see soooo many korean & chinese webtoons where people write it as "the me now" when the grammatically correct term is "Presently, I" "I currently," "As of now I" or "Right now I."
The author's definition of a "pseudo-fujoshi" seems highly inaccurate. Rather than a woman who with an extreme love of BL who ignores canon relationships bends the personality of the character to make a ship work out, a pseudo fujoshi should be an ingenuine Otome-wannabe who wishes she could insert herself into the story & seduce the seme or join in a bisexual threesome, rather than appreciating the love between two men.
I have the polar opposite opionion of Addictoholic on this series, wherein I find the BL & serious arc to be the BEST parts, whereas the earliest chapters were something I soldiered through. Somewhere around the 100th pit, it stops being just a comedy with light BL & straight shipteasing, & turns into an action drama where relationship dynamics are more fleshed-out & serious. Everyone has multiple love interests of either sex, plus a little comedy when folks misunderstand & assume romance between two characters who are both after the same guy.
I don't know if the author threw off the translator by reuoading old chapters as a recap to catch up new readers from the published version or what, but there are several large clusters of duplicate chapters that do not vary in any way as to pass off as past-life-variant chapters, & it really throws off the flow of the story.
The REAL plotline begins a good 200 chapters into the story.
If you're wondering why the BL subtext gets weaker & occurs less frequently, blame Xi Jinping for criminalizing gay literature, yaoi, BL, & even androgynous men in China. You now risk jail time.