For a romance manga called Haru x Kiyo.
It should be renamed to Shimura’s POV of Haru x Kiyo.
There’s a lot to be frustrated about with this one as you can read below me.
But to me, personally, the thing that really irritated me the most is the author pushing the MC, who had little to no back story, into the background.
And the love rival, who when present, which is A LOT, after he is introduced, into the MC of the story.
And And the female lead putting the cherry on top of my exasperation, doing that fucking thing where she’s really trying to put herself out there for another man, while her own man, male lead, endures it..There’s TOO MANY chapters of the love rivals inner perspectives for my liking.
Look I can dig love triangles..when it’s done correctly.
But for a short ass manga, it totally killed what was a great beginning to this story.
Out of 36 chapters. I think I felt the “fluff” from the main pairs romance a few times.
This turned into a story about the rejected bonafide stalker rivals inputs on Haru x Kiyo. And doesn’t even have a satisfying conclusion.